Nepal x,y z: 27.0777,84.9359 98 m Asia/Kathmandu Area

5:ISO3166_2: NP-NAadmin_level: 5boundary: administrativeint_name: Narayaniname_de: Narayaniname_en: Narayaniname_ja: ナラヤニname_ne: नारायणी अञ्चलname_pl: Narayaniname_ru: Нараяниname_zh: 纳拉亚尼专区name: नारायणी अञ्चलtype: boundarywikidata: Q9183wikipedia: en:Narayani Zone

6:admin_level: 6boundary: administrativeint_name: Baraname_de: Baraname_en: Baraname_ja: バラname_ne: बाराname_pl: Baraname: बाराtype: boundarywikidata: Q28608wikipedia: en:Bara District

7:admin_level: 7boundary: administrativename_suffix_en: Sub Metropolitan Municipalityname_suffix: Upamahanagarpalikaname: Jitpur Simaratype: boundary

8:admin_level: 8boundary: administrativename: Rampur Tokanitype: boundary

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